Brazil News Close to My Heart

Environmental, Cultural and Current Events

These are Brazil news items and current events that I find meaningful. I hope you enjoy!

Brazil News From

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Worldwide increase in killings of environmental activists 
It is tragic that there has been an increase in the killings of those working on behalf of the forests and the environment in the World. While more killings …

Atmospheric Blocking in Brazil Causing Both Extreme Drought and Flooding 
While it is reportedly an isolated weather pattern, rather than climate change, an atmospheric blocking is lingering over southeastern Brazil. This blockage …

Drought in Brazil 
Like many parts of the world Brazil is being hit hard by environmental changes that many have come to recognize as earth changes or global warming. One …

Amazon Indian Tribe fights Belo Monte Dam 
Ongoing heartfelt protests by the Munduruku tribe of Brazil's Amazon region against the Belo Monte dam have continued along with the chiefs of more than …

Brazil Drought, extreme weather patterns this year 
Brazil Drought Jolts Commodities' Prices from the WSJ. The drought in Brazil this season (Summer in Brazil 2014) is extreme and unprecedented, reportedly …

Sports Violence in Brazil 
There truly is so much to celebrate about Brazil. It's enough to fill an ever-growing website. However, I can't help but be aware of increasingly common …

A wonderful, audio history of Bossa Nova 
A a wonderful, long (25 minutes!) rich radio broadcast on Bossa Nova offered by the BBC World Server is a 'must listen'. This broadcast takes you deeply …

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff postpones plans for a state visit to Washington D.C. 
Brazil's President, Dilma Rouseff, has postponed plans for a state visit to Washington in October because of revelations that the United States spied …

Freedom to express 
Several decades ago, when Brazil still had a dictatorship, a religion that came over from Africa when slaves were brought to Brazil was practiced, but …

Who or what are the Filhos de Gandhy anyway? 
So, I was listening to Clara Nunes singing Ijexá (Filhos De Ghandi) , which I've done off and on for many years, and my cabeça has been filled with …

Relationship of Brazil with U.S.A. 
Hi and welcome to's first Brazil News Close to My Heart post. Here we're sharing current events, cultural and environmental news …

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