Olá! Obrigado por divulgar nosso País!

by Gillieu da Silva Oliveira
(Brazil, Espírito Santo.)

Olá! Meu nome e Gillieu, Sou Brasileiro, I read everything you wrote about Brazil and I'm so glad an impressed! You're part of us! You're brazilian! I could see in your texts that you really loves Brasil. I'm really gratefull 'cause you're telling to other peoples about our culture.

God keep to bless you

Um abraço!

Our reply

Olá Gillieu! Um abraço para voce! Sim, sou brasileira no coração! -)

I am so glad that you can feel my love for Brazil and how much I feel a part of the country. I am always so delighted to share the blessings of all that Brazil has to offer. I am so happy for the many positive developments in Brazil that are allowing more people in the world to know about how special it is!

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